Thoughts today!

आज का सद्चिन्तन मित्रों
1) You are not this body you associate yourself with. You 'have' this body. You have been 'given' this body.
2) You were born in this meat coated skeleton to drive it around through life, riding on a pale blue rock hurtling through space at breakneck speeds. You are fine.
3) Your body is an interface you use to both 'make' and 'experience' this reality with. You are to experience what you must. The 'noise' as seen by five senses will maximize your experiences, positive or negative. It's all nothing but a dream. You must 'intend' & 'act' nevertheless.
4) This body comes to you with a unique gift.
5) Your objective during this body's transient presence in this reality (lovingly called 'life') is to find that gift. Purpose of the body's life is to give it away to (share with) others with love. You keep coming back until youve figured that gift out.
6) There will be a stage when you see past that 'noise', a time you will filter noise, at will, and you will be silent & perceptive enough to start seeing the clues to find that 'gift'. Lucky you've got a human body if you are reading this. Make it worth your while!
7) Giving away that gift with love will bring you unlimited abundance, physically, mentally, fiscally, spiritually, and all that this body of yours desires...

Don't forget to enjoy while you are at it!!
Cheers and good bless!
